Programming languages to learn


HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML is the most basic programming language of the Web. It is used to build webpages. HTML can help you design and build a website with ease. HTML uses "markup" to annotate text, images, divisions, layers and other content for display in a Web browser. Examples of HTML markups are "< head >, < title >, < div >, < body > and many more To learn more about HTML and it's benefits, click here


(CSS) Cascading Styles Sheet


  CSS is a style sheet language used to design the document written in a programming language. With the help of CSS, you can change the width, color, style, margin, background, fonts, spacing and many more. CSS allows you to control the layout of multiple web pages at once. CSS works perfectly with a markup language like HTML .

To learn more about CSS and it's stylish features, click here



Javascript is a high level programming language that is meant for HTML. It is currently a powerful and popular programming language in the Internet. With a strong foundation in Javascript, you can do almost anything.

To learn more about Javascript and it's special features, click here


  PHP is a widely used general purpose programming language that is suitable for web development. It is an extremely powerful tool for making dynamic web pages. PHP is the only programming language that cannot be hacked because of it's secured code. PHP is more focused towards server-side scripting. One of the benefits of PHP is that it can be embedded into HTML.

To learn more about PHP and it's powerful features, click here

C+ Programming

C+ Programming is an object oriented programming language that allows users to create objects within the code. Just like PHP, it is a general purpose programming language which means that it can be used to write a wide variety of application domains. It is a high level programming language that is mostly used by programmers during coding.

To learn more about C+ and the other C programming langauges, click here  

Python Programming


Python Programming

Python is an advance programming language that allows you to work more quickly than other basic programming languages. Python is an object oriented programming language and it is easy to pick up by experienced programmers. It is a general language which means that it can be used to build anything at all. Python is also easy for beginners to learn the basics and syntax commands.

To learn more about Python programming, click here


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